
Releases Downloads

Closed this issue · 3 comments

On this page the downloads are currently originating from Switch to instead.

Today is 2024-03-05, since the download is new let's wait a week, in the absence of any reported problems, just go ahead after 2024-03-12.

Hi @williln , if you have a chance, this one is sort of a priority. Modify download links to

(The new path does not include /artifactory/main/)

@sdarwin Are we no longer going to be able to call the API at, or can that part of the process remain intact and then we can simply do a replace on the domain name after we get the URLs?

Right now we call the API to get the download URLs, so it will affect how we handle things if that API will no longer be accessible to us. was a donation provided to boost by jfrog, and it's scheduled to end this year. The API will cease to be available.

The naming scheme for downloads is generally consistent and repeatable, especially for standard releases, and could be "predicted" or "guessed" based on a standard pattern:

Another idea is to parse the html source code of index pages such as: , and check which downloads (if any) have been published there.