
Clicking on library docs links shows redirection page briefly

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The unordered docs show "redirection failed" when clicking on them.

libs/unordered/index.html is an html redirect doc/libs/1_84_0/libs/unordered/doc/html/unordered.html. Since the unordered page is huge, multiple MBs, it takes time to load. After a minute, a refresh will be served by the CDN, and faster, but it still takes time even then. Either way, during the interval the webpage appears to say "redirection failed" while waiting.

One idea, since libs/unordered/index.html is a field in the database, add more logic during the db import step when the field is populated, to ascertain that the "real" answer should be doc/libs/1_84_0/libs/unordered/doc/html/unordered.html instead of libs/unordered/index.html, by either actually following redirect, or by parsing the source code of libs/unordered/index.html.

I wish more of the projects did a homepage like this:

Are the JS redirects all setup via the authors of the libraries?

The meta redirect is per library. However, almost none of them are set up like Boost.Rational.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=doc/html/unordered.html">

This should be resolved on staging now, thanks to #1029!