
New site is not compliant with the GDPR

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The new website is not compliant with the GDPR.

  • it stores data in the user browser without user's consent
  • there is no "cookie banner", but several trackers are present on the site, which
  • it embeds youtube videos, but does not use the domain to do so
  • privacy badger reports several trackers on the page.

The privacy policy needs some review. It should at least be divided in two :

  • what happens when you browse the site (no personal information should be collected imho)
  • what happens when you create an account on the site (in which case, personal information can be collected).

Resolved by

  • Removing Google Analytics (now Plausible)
  • Changing the YouTube Embed on the homepage to an external link to the video

Also, both the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages have been updated to be clearer and more comprehensive, and more specifically for the purposes of this issue, to accurately reflect all information that is or may be collected.
