
windows and linux have different result on chinese

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
when I use same code to Convert Chinese to ipa,but windows and linux have different result,english is not.

Phonemizer version
The output of phonemize --version from command line, very helpfull!
available backends: espeak-ng-1.49.2, segments-2.2.1
uninstalled backends: espeak-mbrola, festival
Linux version 5.4.0-122-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-095) (gcc version 9.4.0 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1)) #138-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 22 15:00:31 UTC 2022
python 3.7

To reproduce
from phonemizer import phonemize
phone = phonemize('卡尔普陪外孙玩儿滑梯', language='cmn', backend='espeak',
strip=True, preserve_punctuation=True, with_stress=True, language_switch='remove-flags')
winodws result(look right):
kˈiə ˈər pˈuː pˈeɪ wˈai sˈʌn wˈan ˈər hjˈuːa tˈaɪ
linux result:
khˈɑsa5n ˈərsa5n phˈusa5n phˈeiər5 wˈaisi̪5 sˈunji5 wˈɑnər5 ˈərər5 xwˈɑər5 thˈiji5

Hi, this an issue related to espeak itself, not phonemizer. Are you sure you have the same version of espeak installed on both systems?

Actually I have (on Linux):

$ phonemize --version
available backends: espeak-ng-1.50, espeak-mbrola, festival-2.5.0, segments-2.1.3

And your sample gives another result:

$ echo '卡尔普陪外孙玩儿滑梯' | phonemize -l cmn -b espeak --strip --preserve-punctuation --with-stress
[WARNING] words count mismatch on 100.0% of the lines (1/1)
khˈɑ2 ˈər2 phˈu2 phˈeiɜ wˈai5 sˈuə5n wˈɑɜn ˈərɜ xwˈɑɜ thˈi5

Hi, this an issue related to espeak itself, not phonemizer. Are you sure you have the same version of espeak installed on both systems?

Actually I have (on Linux):

$ phonemize --version
available backends: espeak-ng-1.50, espeak-mbrola, festival-2.5.0, segments-2.1.3

And your sample gives another result:

$ echo '卡尔普陪外孙玩儿滑梯' | phonemize -l cmn -b espeak --strip --preserve-punctuation --with-stress
[WARNING] words count mismatch on 100.0% of the lines (1/1)
khˈɑ2 ˈər2 phˈu2 phˈeiɜ wˈai5 sˈuə5n wˈɑɜn ˈərɜ xwˈɑɜ thˈi5

thank's for your reply, windows is 1.52, linux is 1.49, I can't install espeak>=1.5, can you help me, thank you again

You need espeak-ng, not espeak :
sudo apt-get install espeak-ng should be enough.

You need espeak-ng, not espeak : sudo apt-get install espeak-ng should be enough.

thanks a lot, I get it