
Add windows support

booyaa opened this issue · 5 comments

using netsh.exe wlan show networks mode=Bssid

if you can help please attach sample output (as text no images) as a comment.

I'm interested in Windows support.
Here is the output of that command, (I modified some MAC addresses and SSIDs for privacy reasons but didn't modify the format).
Notice that it contains the output of all two enabled Wifi Interfaces. One has a better antenna than the other.

I just noticed that the paste expired, did you download it before it expired?

I made a new scan, here.
Nothing is stopping you from adding windows support now :)

I don't have the time, but I'll be adding a so others can step in to help. Also might be a good idea to stick it on something more permanent like gist?

I put it in a gist here :)