
Crashes as soon as I schedule a request

SilverTab opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm using the sample code found in the "Basic" guide, however, as soon as I schedule the request, my app crashes in Concurrency.swift on line 60 with an EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION:


I can paste my code, but it's literally just the sample code found in the documentation, in a new (empty) project.

I’ll have a look shortly!

I'm sorry but I cannot reproduce this issue with the latest version of Xcode (11.3.1) and the latest tag (1.1.1). Try cleaning the build folder maybe? Otherwise I'll close the issue for now.

That's so weird... just tried again in a new project, with 1.1.2, but no luck, can't schedule any request without crashing in that AtomicInt getter. I'm using Xcode 11.2.x, I'll try updating to the latest to see if it changes anything and report back...

Update: No crash in Xcode 11.3.1! Weirdly enough though, it still consistently crashes in Xcode 11.2. No matter what I do!

Great to hear ;) don't know about Xcode 11.2 though -- there were some bugs in the compiler for earlier versions of Xcode 11, maybe that's the cause (although improbable)