
The auto-complete notification always popup, even before I type the trigger

Opened this issue · 4 comments

If you need more info I can share a screenshot of short video of what I mean

It is very anonying. Everytime I press enter, it put the first snipper. Do you know how to make the completitions poup to show only after specific text typed?

For now until it is solved, I add this settings:
To my settings file:

"auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true,

I cannot understand the problem without knowing a bit about your configuration.
Which triggers did you define in the project file?
The plugin's completions are handled just like the other completions by ST itself so this should not be an issue of the plugin specifically but of your settings.

the trigger is abcdefghijkl
I just press comma (,), and I see the popup of this trigger. Why?

untitled gif 3