修改自 unixkcd, 由于未能成功使用原项目构建工具,故直接对源文件进行了修改,将 src 目录中各文件按需自行修改后放到网站根目录即可。效果见 0x0d.im 命令行入口: 0x0d.im
An interactive web interface for the webcomic xkcd resembling a Unix terminal. Comics can be browsed and displayed efficiently via the commands "first", "prev", "next", and "last".
Originally created as a joke for April Fools' 2010, the interface is now available at http://xkcd.com/unixkcd/.
Use the source, Luke.
Jokes are by Randall Munroe, Davean Scies, Chromakode, and various contributors from IRC.
Many thanks to Rod McFarland for his original CLI2. The JavaScript CLI implementation in cli.js is a heavily modified version of the CLI2 client-side logic. CLI2 is Copyright © Rod McFarland, 2006, 2007, 2008.
The bundled version of YUI Compressor is Copyright © 2007-2009, Yahoo! Inc.
The unixkcd code is released under the GNU GPLv2.
YUI Compressor is distributed under a BSD license, with Rhino components licensed under MPL.