I am making use of the following system programs:
- vifm: https://vifm.info/
- bat: https://github.com/sharkdp/bat
- exa: https://the.exa.website/
- fzf: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
- visidata: https://www.visidata.org/install/
- jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
- glow: https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow
- zenith: https://github.com/bvaisvil/zenith
- dust: https://github.com/bootandy/dust
- navi: https://github.com/denisidoro/navi
- ripgrep: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep
- delta: https://github.com/dandavison/delta
Most of them are necessary as they are included in zsh
functions as well as neovim
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:gennaro-tedesco/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
Use the Makefile
to install the programs you want:
# to install nvim configurations
make install-nvim plug=1 # <-- plug=1 installs plugins too, omit otherwise
# to install zsh configurations
make install-zsh
and so forth.