
PreintegrationParams parameter not exposed in Python wrapper

Closed this issue · 2 comments


In the Python wrapper for GTSAM, in the PreintegrationParams class there exists a method getBodyPSensor(). However, any attempt to call that method results in a TypeError.

Full error is:

----> 1 pim_params.getBodyPSensor()

TypeError: Unable to convert function return value to a Python type! The signature was
	(self: gtsam.gtsam.PreintegratedRotationParams) -> boost::optional<gtsam::Pose3>

Steps to reproduce

import gtsam
pim_params = gtsam.PreintegrationParams.MakeSharedU()
defaultBodyPSensor = pim_params.getBodyPSensor()

Expected behavior

A gtsam.Pose3 object returned containing the body_P_sensor transform that PreintegrationParams was initialized with (in this case, the default/identity) consisting of a translation and rotation.


OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Python: 3.8.10
GTSAM: 4.1.1

Thanks for the issue @Dead-Hand. This is definitely related to the Python wrapper and involves the need for the pybind11/stl.h header.

@dellaert @ProfFan this would be a good time to revisit this now that we're on C++17.

I can confirm that #1546 fixes this.