
Matlab "IMUKittiExampleGPS" example result in an error

etamarlu opened this issue · 3 comments


Running the "IMUKittiExampleGPS" example result in the following error:

Error using gtsam_wrapper
Exception from gtsam:
Attempting to retrieve value with key "v3", type stored in Values is class gtsam::GenericValue<class Eigen::Matrix<double,-1,1,0,-1,1>
> but requested type was class Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1,0,3,1>

Error in gtsam.ISAM2/update (line 237)
        varargout{1} = gtsam_wrapper(1765, this, varargin{:});

Error in IMUKittiExampleGPS (line 124)
      isam.update(newFactors, newValues);

Steps to reproduce

  1. download toolbox from
  2. run the "./gtsam_examples/IMUKittiExampleGPS" example


Matlab 2023a, windows 10

Additional information

You need to retrieve the value with a dynamic matrix type if what you have is a dynamic matrix, not a fixed sized version

You need to retrieve the value with a dynamic matrix type if what you have is a dynamic matrix, not a fixed sized version

Thank you for your response!

I don't fully understand how to retrieve the value with a dynamic matrix, is it a gtsam thing or a Matlab thing? I've worked with Matlab many times but haven't encountered it so far, do you have any reference to Matlab's documentation?

Moreover, the same example works in Linux

Thank you,

Windows is a way less tested platform than Linux, and the problem is none of the current maintainers use Windows... So you are on your own. This is a GTSAM (or C++) thing because the type is resolved by the GTWRAP glue code.