
Difference between Analytical and Numerical Jacobian for BetweenFactor

jukindle opened this issue · 1 comments


I basically tried to compare the analytical and numerical jacobians for the BetweenFactor and notices they differ. I think I am using the correct manifold update (from right) given that I am using the numerical derivative function from GTSAM itself. I would like to understand why they differ, i.e. at which point an approximation is made.

Does the difference come from the fact that for the analytical jacobian derivation we are not multiplying with the right jacobian, i.e. $H_1 = J_r H_{1\ from\ .between}$? If so, why aren't we doing this, is it that the calculation of J_r is costly and for small deviations anyway close to the Identity?

Here's the example code I am using

#include <gtsam/slam/BetweenFactor.h>
#include <gtsam/inference/Symbol.h>
#include <gtsam/base/numericalDerivative.h>
#include <gtsam/geometry/Pose3.h>

// Define error function for BetweenFactor
gtsam::Vector betweenFactorError(const gtsam::Pose3 &T1, const gtsam::Pose3 &T2, const gtsam::BetweenFactor<gtsam::Pose3> &factor)
    return factor.evaluateError(T1, T2);

int main()
    // Create a random BetweenFactor
    gtsam::Key key1 = gtsam::Symbol('T1', 0);
    gtsam::Key key2 = gtsam::Symbol('T2', 0);
    gtsam::Pose3 measuredDifference = gtsam::Pose3::Expmap(gtsam::Vector6::Random());
    gtsam::SharedNoiseModel model = gtsam::noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(6, 0.1); // Assuming 6D error
    gtsam::BetweenFactor<gtsam::Pose3> factor(key1, key2, measuredDifference, model);

    // Sample random poses
    gtsam::Pose3 T1 = gtsam::Pose3::Expmap(gtsam::Vector6::Random());
    gtsam::Pose3 T2 = gtsam::Pose3::Expmap(gtsam::Vector6::Random());

    // Compute the analytical Jacobians
    gtsam::Matrix H1_analytical, H2_analytical;
    factor.evaluateError(T1, T2, H1_analytical, H2_analytical);

    // Compute the numerical Jacobians
    gtsam::Matrix H1_numerical = gtsam::numericalDerivative11<gtsam::Vector, gtsam::Pose3>(boost::bind(&betweenFactorError, _1, T2, factor), T1);
    gtsam::Matrix H2_numerical = gtsam::numericalDerivative11<gtsam::Vector, gtsam::Pose3>(boost::bind(&betweenFactorError, T1, _1, factor), T2);

    // Compare the Jacobians
    std::cout << "Analytic H_WA:\n"
              << H1_analytical << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Numeric H_WA:\n"
              << H1_numerical << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Analytic H_AB:\n"
              << H2_analytical << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Numeric H_AB:\n"
              << H2_numerical << std::endl;

    return 0;

with the resulting output

Analytic H_WA:
 -0.158304  -0.913121    -0.3757         -0         -0         -0
  0.792649  -0.344409   0.503081         -0         -0         -0
  0.588768   0.218158  -0.778305         -0         -0         -0
  0.180432 -0.0921831    0.14802  -0.158304  -0.913121    -0.3757
    0.4953   0.396486  -0.508955   0.792649  -0.344409   0.503081
 -0.618301   0.240098   -0.40043   0.588768   0.218158  -0.778305
Numeric H_WA:
  -0.529653   -0.713478   -0.528738           0           0           0
    0.85708   -0.621987  -0.0196841           0           0           0
   0.264351    0.393483   -0.909937           0           0           0
  -0.361997 0.000131522    0.224496   -0.529653   -0.713478   -0.528738
   0.132429   0.0729057    -0.83948     0.85708   -0.621987  -0.0196841
  -0.828156    0.207672   -0.163757    0.264351    0.393483   -0.909937

Analytic H_AB:
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
Numeric H_AB:
  0.933985  -0.440099 -0.0559737          0          0          0
  0.439665   0.883679    0.38425          0          0          0
-0.0592823  -0.383754   0.949692          0          0          0
 -0.135217   -0.45016 -0.0199266   0.933985  -0.440099 -0.0559737
  0.436924  -0.154545  0.0758573   0.439665   0.883679    0.38425
  -0.12027 -0.0602826 -0.0194418 -0.0592823  -0.383754   0.949692

It seems like the multiplication from left with the right jacobian is exactly the missing bit left away for efficiency reasons and which can be enabled by compiling with GTSAM_SLOW_BUT_CORRECT_BETWEENFACTOR: