
spacemacs layer for org-journal.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

journal layer

Table of Contents


spacemacs-journal is a wrapper for org-journal providing spacemacs-style keybindings.

org-journal provides functions to maintain a simple personal diary / journal using in Emacs.


To use journal layer:

  1. git clone https://github.com/borgnix/spacemacs-journal.git ~/.emacs.d/private/journal
  2. add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add journal to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

Key bindings

Global Bindings

Key BindingDescription
SPC a j jnew journal entry
SPC a j vview journal of today
SPC a j ssearch journals within a specified time interval
SPC a j Ssearch all journal for a string

Major Mode Bindings

Key BindingDescription
SPC m j jnew journal entry
SPC m j nnext journal file
SPC m j pprevious journal file
SPC m j ssearch the current journal file

Calendar Mode Bindings

Key BindingDescription
J jnew journal entry
J vview an entry in a new buffer
J Vview an entry but do not switch to it
J ngo to next day with journal entries
J pgo to previous day with journal entries
J Ssearch in all entries of all time
J wsearch in all entries of the current week
J msearch in all entries of the current month
J ysearch in all entries of the current year