
JQuery Mobile Demo Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project tests a sample JQueryMobile web-app using Selenium WebDriver js bindings against three mobile browsers, Android Browser, Chrome Browser on Android and Safari.


  1. Download and install SDK (sets $ANDROID_SDK_HOME)(Set $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/platform-tools in PATH)
  2. Download and install Intel x86 hax (for Mac)
  3. Create x86 avd
  4. Download Android Webdriver APK (https://code.google.com/p/selenium/downloads/list)
  5. Start emulator and verify you are allowing installation of application not coming from Android Market. Go to Settings -> Applications, and check "Unknown Sources". emulator -avd <avd> -partition-size 512
  6. Get device id adb devices
  7. export SERIAL_ID=
  8. Install Android WebDriver adb -s $SERIAL_ID -e install -r android-server.apk
  9. Start the application in debug mode, which has more verbose logs by doing: adb -s $SERIAL_ID shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n org.openqa.selenium.android.app/.MainActivity -e debug true
  10. Setup the port forwarding in order to forward traffic from the host machine to the emulator. adb -s $SERIAL_ID forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080


  1. Download GoogleAPI from http://goo.im/gapps for avd and extract

  2. Checkout from github AndroidAVDRepo https://github.com/j5at/AndroidAVDRepo.git

  3. edit .profile `export AVD_HOME= export AVD_NAME=Nexus-4i export API_LEVEL=17 export GAPPS_PACKAGE_PATH=<PATH_TO_GOOGLE_API_DOWNLOAD>/gapps-jb-20130812-signed

  4. Copy default image to avd directory cp $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/system-images/android-$API_LEVEL/x86/system.img $AVD_HOME/avd/$AVD_NAME.avd/system.img

  5. Create read/write system image $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/tools/emulator -avd $AVD_NAME -qemu -nand system,size=0x1f400000,file=$AVD_HOME/avd/$AVD_NAME.avd/system.img

  6. Add Google Play to read/write system image cd $GAPPS_PACKAGE_PATH/system/app;$ANDROID_SDK_HOME/platform-tools/adb remount && for file in GoogleLoginService.apk GoogleServicesFramework.apk Phonesky.apk; do $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/platform-tools/adb push $file /system/app; done

  7. Install Chrome from GooglePlay inside of emulator

  8. Install ChromeDriver https://code.google.com/p/chromedriver/downloads/list

  9. chromedriver --url-base=/wd/hub


  1. Install XCode and IphoneSimulator 6.0 or greater
  2. Download ios-driver https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ios-driver/ios-server-0.6.0.jar
  3. sudo chmod 666 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator*.sdk/Applications/MobileSafari.app/Info.plist
  4. java -jar ios-server-0.6.0.jar


  1. Install Node
  2. npm install
  3. grunt connect to serve page
  4. mocha test/jqm-demo-x one script at a time, since running multiple remote drivers can bog down you machine