False positive with `:implements`
AndreaCrotti opened this issue · 3 comments
AndreaCrotti commented
This might be hard to implement, but I noticed that if you have a namespace like this
(:import (org.apache.kafka.streams.processor TimestampExtractor))
:implements [org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.TimestampExtractor]))
(defn -extract [_ record previous]
would be deleted, even if it's actually used, and its definition has the side effect of implementing that interface.
AndreaCrotti commented
I guess we could ignore all the vars starting with -
maybe, assuming that's a well known convention for things that can have side effects on definition.
borkdude commented
That would also cover -main
from the open PR.
AndreaCrotti commented
This is now solved with #17
(at least -extract
would be ignored now)