
A hypothetical Clojure command tool focusing around SQL interaction via JDBC

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Hypothetical command line tool around Clojure database interaction via JDBC.

Supported databases:

  • PostgresQL



(require '[next.jdbc :as jdbc])

(defn query []
  (let [db {:dbtype "hsqldb"
            :dbname "mem:testdb"}]
     ["create table foo ( x int )"])
     ["insert into foo values ( 6 )"])
     ["select * from foo"])))

(println (query))
$ clj-jdbc jdbc.clj
[{:FOO/X 6}]


Currently there is one SNAPSHOT release available for macOS here. The other way of installing this is building yourself via script/compile.


Usage: clj-jdbc [--verbose]
          [ ( --classpath | -cp ) <cp> ]
          [ ( --main | -m ) <main-namespace> | -e <expression> | -f <file> |
            --repl | --socket-repl [<host>:]<port> | --nrepl-server [<host>:]<port> ]
          [ arg* ]


  --help, -h or -?    Print this help text.
  --version           Print the current version of clj-jdbc.
  --verbose           Print entire stacktrace in case of exception.

  -e, --eval <expr>   Evaluate an expression.
  -f, --file <path>   Evaluate a file.
  -cp, --classpath    Classpath to use.
  -m, --main <ns>     Call the -main function from namespace with args.
  --repl              Start REPL. Use rlwrap for history.
  --socket-repl       Start socket REPL. Specify port (e.g. 1666) or host and port separated by colon (e.g.
  --nrepl-server      Start nREPL server. Specify port (e.g. 1667) or host and port separated by colon (e.g.
  --                  Stop parsing args and pass everything after -- to *command-line-args*

If neither -e, -f, or --socket-repl are specified, then the first argument that is not parsed as a option is treated as a file if it exists, or as an expression otherwise.
Everything after that is bound to *command-line-args*.

The clojure.core functions are accessible without a namespace alias.

The following namespaces are required by default and available through the pre-defined aliases in the user namespace. You may use require + :as and/or :refer on these namespaces. If not all vars are available, they are enumerated explicitly.

  • clojure.string aliased as str
  • clojure.set aliased as set
  • clojure.edn aliased as edn:
    • read-string
  • clojure.java.shell aliased as shell
  • clojure.java.io aliased as io:
    • as-relative-path, as-url, copy, delete-file, file, input-stream, make-parents, output-stream, reader, resource, writer
  • clojure.main: repl
  • clojure.core.async aliased as async.
  • clojure.stacktrace
  • clojure.test
  • clojure.pprint: pprint (currently backed by fipp's fipp.edn/pprint)
  • next.jdbc aliased as jdbc

A selection of java classes are available, see clj-jdbc/impl/classes.clj.

Clj-jdbc supports import: (import clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo).

Clj-jdbc supports a subset of the ns form where you may use :require and :import:


Copyright © 2019-2020 Michiel Borkent

Distributed under the EPL License. See LICENSE.

This project contains code from:

  • Clojure, which is licensed under the same EPL License.