
Support unknown reader tags while reading EDN

thenonameguy opened this issue · 4 comments

There should be an easy way to pass through tagged literals that are unknown through jet.

(edn/read {:eof ::EOF} *in*))

to support :default, with a CLI flag --edn-read-default=sci-expr.

Interesting idea. Would it make sense to also support other data readers by passing a map? Maybe we could just pass in additional args to tools.reader with an option --tools-reader-opts which acceps a map with :readers and :default which will be evaluated by sci?

Yes, that could also work. Alternatively I would be okay with a simple boolean flag to enable tagged-literal so that passthrough works:

The above combined:

Allow --edn-opts with:

  • :readers option with accepts map of symbol -> function
  • :default which you can pass tagged-literal. So a combination of the above.

The entire map will be evaluated by sci. For this to work I'd have to add tagged-literal to sci first.

Example call:

echo '[#foo{:a 1} #bar {:a 2}]' | jet --from edn --edn-opts '{:readers {foo (fn [x] [:foo x])} :default tagged-literal}'


[[:foo {:a 1}] #bar {:a 2}]

Fixed in v0.0.12 by adding the --edn-reader-opts option.