
Primary LanguageClojure


Experiment to make clojure.pprint work well with GraalVM native-image.

Run script/graal-test to compile a hello-world binary and inspect the size.

The size should not be much bigger than 8-10MB (in my experience with similar libraries), but by compiling with clojure.pprint as is, the binary becomes around 27-30MB.

Tl;dr version

table-ize uses find-var which tends to bloat GraalVM native images.

The find-var can be avoided by making write-option-table a table of keywords to vars. If we do that, the binary ends up being only 10MB and GraalVM memory usage during compilation is reduced significantly.

TODO: make a JIRA. TBD: wrap write-option-table in delay since this is better for load time

;; with delay
user=> (time (dotimes [i 100] (require '[babashka.pprint] :reload)))
"Elapsed time: 21165.989 msecs"
;; without delay
user=> (time (dotimes [i 100] (require '[babashka.pprint] :reload)))
"Elapsed time: 24007.1286 msecs"
;; with delay
user=> (time (dotimes [i 100] (require '[babashka.pprint] :reload)))
"Elapsed time: 27414.7834 msecs"
;; without delay
user=> (time (dotimes [i 100] (require '[babashka.pprint] :reload)))
"Elapsed time: 30943.7437 msecs"

TODO: also compare timings from vanilla core, vars and delay + vars

Longer version

Identified paths that bloat the binary:

  • Line 3204: (.isArray (class obj)) (pprint-array obj) (only the pprint-array triggers it)
  • Line 3218: (use-method simple-dispatch clojure.lang.IPersistentSet pprint-set)
  • Line 3219: (use-method simple-dispatch clojure.lang.PersistentQueue pprint-pqueue)

All of these use formatter-out macro which needs a closer look.

Yup: all triggered by compile-format.

=> (compile-directive (subs s 1) (inc offset)) => (struct compiled-directive ((:generator-fn def) params offset) def params offset) => (struct compiled-directive nil #_((:generator-fn def) params offset) def params offset) This is ok: (struct compiled-directive nil #_((:generator-fn def) params offset) nil #_def nil #_params nil #_offset) Not ok: (struct compiled-directive ((:generator-fn def) params offset) nil #_def nil #_params nil #_offset) Ok: (struct compiled-directive (:foo #_(:generator-fn def) params offset) nil #_def nil #_params nil #_offset) Problem seems to be in referring to def. In process-directive-table-element commenting out generator-fn helps: (concat '(fn [ params offset]) nil #_generator-fn) So maybe there is one generator-fn triggering bloating. Commented out pretty much everything in defdirectives. Left with:

(apply (fn [& args] (even? (count args)))#_write arg bindings)

so it seems like the reference to write is causing bloat. In write commenting out the body doesn't solve the bloat, so maybe it's caused by binding-map or tabl-ize. Turns out it's table-ize. And there we have it... find-var!!!

(defn- table-ize [t m]
  (apply hash-map (mapcat
                   #(when-let [v (get t (key %))] [(find-var v) (val %)])

The find-var can be avoided by making write-option-table a table of keywords to vars.