
add a license

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Have you considered adding a license?

Maybe MIT or Apache? or perhaps the WTFPL if you're into that sorta thing.

Just please not GPL, LGPL or BSD :)


For what great purpose? Being an East European made me feel no reason about software laws and copyrights, if you get what I mean. Those BDSMPL just almost have no use here.

Really only for the purpose of those in countries and in jobs where they do care about such things.

For instance, if I wanted to use this in my day job, it would need a lenient license like MIT/Apache/WTFPL. It's just a box they make us check.

In practice, it would change nothing, especially with something like WTFPL (

Okay, WTFPL looks nice and pretty simple for me. I’ve seen you commiting to README.MD, could you pull request it with attached licence reference?