
can i use this repo for deploying ELK on cloudfoundry with BOSH?

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can i use this repo for deploying ELK on cloudfoundry with BOSH?

No, this repo deploys ELK on BOSH .

yes , I mean I have cloud foundry setup with BOSH2 and i need to do a fresh ELK deployment

If you mean deploying ELK beside your CF (not on your CF), yes you can use this repo.

But I want to know why is this repo using old versions of E , L , K and curator.
And I want to use ELk bosh2 bosh release for fetching logs from cloud foundry. Is that possible?

That depends on bosh-releases you use.
You can specify each version in version.yml.

Check release pages

I don't think this rep is using old ELK.

And I want to use ELk bosh2 bosh release for fetching logs from cloud foundry. Is that possible?

You can use Logstash as a Syslog server using tcp input plugin that receives logs from firehose-to-syslog.

actually i have an existing deployment on bosh1 bosh and now I new to migrate the deployment to bosh2 bosh . In that deployment I am using just these three releases ...
and the deployment is a single VM deployment i:e E , L and K in single VM.

I don't get what you mean.

This is not a repo for logsearch.
It's a completely different project.