
Doesnt Responde

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The bot used to work, now it doesn't work anymore.
Programs are all installed and do not give an error.
The command with pm2 also works see screenshot.
But the bot does not respond then the bot token and group chat ID is entered correctly even if you enter the owner ID it does not work.
Here is the excerpt from the config the data has been changed a bit.

Can you help me there?

`# bot settings
bot_token: "557129213208:AAENDjnqPdEGj1MrBHRQzbbasdasdobPfpRgCYxmo8" # support bot token
staffchat_id: "-10441102128127192407" # eg. -123456789
spam_time: 5 * 60 * 1000 # time (in MS) in which user may send 5 messages
spam_cant_msg: 5

parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2' # Experimental. Do not change unless you know what you are doing. Options: Markdown/MarkdownV2/HTML

allow_private: false # Allow / disallow option for staff to chat privately
direct_reply: false # Set this to true to just forward staff users to a user chat when allow_private
auto_close_tickets: true # Close tickets after answering
anonymous_tickets: true # Include userid in tickets or not
anonymous_replies: true # Include staff member name in response
show_auto_replied: false # Send auto replied msgs to staff chat
show_user_ticket: false # Show ticket id to user

signal_enabled: false # Enable/disable signal
signal_number: '+12345689' # Your signal number / account

web_server: false # Enable/disable web server
web_server_port: 8080 # Port for web server

dev_mode: true # Enable/disable dev mode

customize your language

startCommandText: 'Welcome in our support chat! Ask your question here.'
faqCommandText: 'Get this bot at:'
helpCommandText: "Available commands: /help /faq /id"
helpCommandStaffText: "Available commands:
/start - Get a little introduction
/faq - Show frequently asked questions
/open - Staff Shows a list of open tickets
/reopen - Staff Reopen a closed ticket
/close - Staff Reply to a ticket with this to close and unban
/clear - Staff Closes all tickets
/ban - Staff Ban a user from the chat
/unban - Staff Unban a user"
contactMessage: "Thank you for contacting us. We will answer as soon as possible. "
blockedSpam: 'You sent quite a number of questions in the last while. Please calm down and wait until staff reviews them.'
ticket: 'Ticket'
closed: 'closed'
acceptedBy: 'was accepted by'
dear: 'Hi'
regards: 'Regards,'
from: 'from'
language: 'Language'
msg_sent: 'Message sent to user'
file_sent: 'File sent to user'
usr_with_ticket: 'User with ticket'
banned: 'banned'
replyPrivate: 'Reply in private'
services: 'Select a service from the list below'
customer: 'customer'
msgForwarding: 'You messages will now be forwarded to vendors of the group: '
back: 'Go back'
whatSubCategory: 'Which subcategory describes your needs the best? '
prvChatEnded: 'Private chat ended.'
prvChatOpened: 'Private Chat opened with customer.'
prvChatEnd: 'End Private chat'
prvChatOpenedCustomer: 'Opened private chat'
instructionsSent: 'Instructions were sent to you in private chat.'
openTickets: 'Open Tickets'
support: 'Support'
prvChatOnly: 'This command can be used in private chat only.'
ticketClosed: 'Your ticket was closed by our staff. You can open a new ticket at any time.'
links: 'Direct support links'
textFirst: 'Please send us a message before sending an image so that we can help you better.'
ticketClosedError: 'You cannot reply to a closed ticket.'
automatedReply: 'This is an automated reply.'
automatedReplyAuthor: 'BottyBot.'
doesntHelp: 'This does not help.'
automatedReplySent: 'Automated reply was send to the user.'
ticketReopened: 'Ticket reopened.'
regardsGroup: 'Botty Group'


  • question: 'install'
    answer: "If you want to install the bot, you can use the following link:
    Getting Started
    Alternatively you can also use our one-click setup & hosting service:
  • question: 'are you sure?'
    answer: 'Yes.'


- name: "Category1"


- name: "Sub1"

group_id: "-12345678910"

- name: "Sub2"

group_id: "-12345678910"

- name: "Sub3"

group_id: "-12345678910"

- name: "Category2"


- name: "Sub4"

group_id: "-12345678910"

- name: "Sub5"

group_id: "-12345678910"

- name: "Sub6"

group_id: "-12345678910"

- name: "Category with no subcategories"

group_id: "-12345678910"

- name: "Admin Chat"

group_id: "-12345678910"

- name: "Contact"

msg: "Check out our Website"


Hello there! As you are a first time Issuer please check whether your issue description is reasonable and complete. If you are having an issue always include the versions you are using (NodeJs, Typescript, ...) as well as a way to reproduce it. Thank you for reading! Now continue :)