
Supporting Bootstrap 4

benjamij opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Hey all,

Are there any plans to supporting Bootstrap 4? Changes seem minimal to make it work.

any answer on this?

aaj commented


Based on that there have been no commits in about 3 years, I'd say the answer is no... but it only needs to be updated to use the new CSS options for Bootstrap v4

I'm in the process of doing this for myself right now. when I'm finished I suppose I can fork the project and release the changes

Just add this after calling bootpag():

//make bootpag compatible with Bootstrap 4.0
$('#pagination li').addClass('page-item');
$('#pagination a').addClass('page-link');

Not the best solution, but works for now.

@kbyatnal your solution works, good hack

Thanks @kbyatnal It works great...