Please add th possibility to add attributes to first, prev, next and last links
gubi opened this issue · 0 comments
gubi commented
I would like to add tooltip class but currently is not possible with your code.
Please add a feature to add custom attributes to pagination buttons.
The insterested code is in lines 135~152 and , for example, could be as follow:
p = p.concat(['<li data-lp="1" class="', settings.firstClass,
'"><a href="', href(1), '" class="', settings.firstLastClass, '" title="', settings.firstLastTitle, '">', settings.first, '</a></li>']);
p = p.concat(['<li data-lp="1" class="', settings.prevClass,
'"><a href="', href(1), '" class="', settings.prevClass, '" title="', settings.prevTitle, '">', settings.prev, '</a></li>']);
for(var c = 1; c <= Math.min(, settings.maxVisible); c++){
p = p.concat(['<li data-lp="', c, '"><a href="', href(c), '">', c, '</a></li>']);
lp = settings.leaps && > settings.maxVisible
? Math.min(settings.maxVisible + 1, : 2;
p = p.concat(['<li data-lp="', lp, '" class="',
settings.nextClass, '"><a href="', href(lp),
'" class="', settings.nextClass, '" title="', settings.nextTitle, '">',, '</a></li>']);