
BP Dev randomly crashes

ptrckbp opened this issue · 2 comments

Error message

bp dev randomly crashes after a few minutes. I don't see any pattern behind other than it doesn't crash immediately, and not after a long time. Ballpark guess is 20-30 minutes. Seems like a tunnel timing out.

I'm on MacOs 11.6.8
Node 18.13.0
pnpm 8.6.5

Let me know if there are ways to share verbose info!

Path to reproduce :

cd path/to/botpress/botpress
nvm install
nvm use
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm i
bp build
cd path/to/bot/or/integration/
bp dev

wait 30 minutes ish.

Yo @ptrckbp,

Could you share the full error message ? I'd like to take a look.

It looks like we're facing an infra problem here. Whenever we deploy something in the cloud, the tunnel server gets restarted, which ends up killing the dev command (We do deploy multiple times every day).

This is fixable however. I'll make sure that the dev command automatically reconnects whenever this happens.

I'll keep you posted.


Hey @ptrckbp,

This issue is fixed in the CLI version 0.2.2

I'll close the issue, but feel free to open a new one if I'm wrong
