
Uploading a video or embedding a video url

shacharbard opened this issue · 2 comments


at first, I was trying to put a video url in order to embed it in one of the nodes, so that a user can play that video, but I didn't find such option.
then, I was trying to upload a Youtube video, because that option is available, but I keep getting a "network error" when uploading a video.
please help.

I would love to see this too

Hey there,

It looks like you're facing some trouble with Botpress Studio or Dashboard. This repository is mainly focused on integrations and developer tools like the Client, SDK, and CLI.

For the best support and help, I recommend heading over to our discord server. That's the perfect place to ask your question and get the assistance you need.

I'll go ahead and close this issue for now, but don't hesitate to open a new one if I misunderstood your concern.
