
Telegram Channel Crashing Bot (getUpdates make sure only one bot instance is running)

6lackknight opened this issue · 1 comments

Peace fam,

I keep coming across this error on different projects running the latest version of BP (current 12.30.9
). This error forces the bot to restart and after a few restarts it stops. I know I do not have more than one instance of the bot running. I have recreated this error on multiple bots:

  1. Install and configure Botpress v12.30.9 on docker
  2. Add Telegram configuration to bot/config.js under Messaging -> Channels -> Telegram
  3. Start conversation with ChatBot, or leave bot running for ~ 15 minutes

PS. I have also reported this in Botpress/Messaging but no response: botpress/messaging#609 (comment)

Hi, @6lackknight, I believe you are using botpress v12.

We moved the v12 codebase in this repo.

The current repo now contains the code of our new cloud product. You can check it out here.

I will close this issue and let you reopen on the v12 repo.

Feel free to re-open if you think I'm wrong.
