

russellbits opened this issue · 2 comments

What are the odds of support for markdown in the knowledgebase feature? All of our documentation is in markdown. Is this a feature that the team needs work done on? I'd be happy to make a fork if it's of interest to anyone.

EFF commented

Hey @russellbits thanks for reaching out. I take good note of it. Is your doc public ? if yes you can simply pass in your URL as a Website datasource in the KB feature.

BTW Forking this repo won't help you as the KB feature is closed source at the moment.

I will close this issue but if you want to continue this conversation, please consider joining our discord server and hit me up there.

Thanks for the speedy reply! The docs are not public, but I see no reason not to put them somewhere that a Botpress bot could get to them. Excellent point. Noted regarding the forking. I'll join the Discord. Thanks!