

Yordano2024 opened this issue · 1 comments

Porfavor necesito probar esa herramienta en mi trabajo del día a día para hacerlo mejor

@Yordano2024 What tool ? What are you talking about ?

Where I work, most employees control orders with a multifunctional gig worker app. So they leave the orders and the lowest orders to us, they monopolize all the high orders and it doesn't seem fair to me... I'm just arriving in this country and it's hard to be without family and apart from that at a disadvantage because I don't know anything. of systems. I am from Venezuela and I am in the United States

@Yordano2024 What tool ? What are you talking about ?

I only need it for my work, not to market it or anything like that. If it were a business of selling it I would have paid but the reality is that I just need it to be able to be on par in terms of equality. If you could help me I would appreciate it. I have to bring my daughter and my mother