
Feature request - optin and handover (Messenger)

mvarchdev opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be reall great if in facebook messenger there would be optin/optout.
Also, I would appreciate to implement handover protocol support.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @mvarchdev, can you please elaborate on this ? What are you trying to achieve ?

Hello @kimchicharlie -> we need to have multiple optins for user like Get one time notification for stock availability, livestream periodic or more-times notification optin. For everything this, we have optins in facebook messenger api.

Also, I would really love to have ability to have supported handover protocol in botpress -> when we give control to inbox (so user can reply, something like livechat) and then we can take control of thread back.

Now when I am mentioning this, it would be really great to support also eplying to comments, posting, live videos, editing of posts etc.

Maybe it would be nice idea to coop with this framework:
They have quite a nice support with many templates for messenger etc.

Thank you for these suggestions @mvarchdev. However, the features you've listed aren't part of our immediate priority list.

Let's address your requests one by one:

  1. Opt-ins for Messenger: The idea of adding multiple opt-in options, such as one-time notifications for stock availability or livestream periodic notifications, is indeed interesting. This could potentially be added to our Messenger integration in the future.
  2. Handover Protocol: As for the handover protocol, we currently have integrations that allow Human In The Loop (HITL) capabilities, such as with Zendesk. Whether this can be adapted for the scenario you described would require further investigation.
  3. Regarding the ability to reply to comments, post, and edit posts on Facebook through Messenger, this is not possible. A Facebook integration would be the correct way of to address this.

For each of these requests, we are open to contributions from the community. You might even consider developing a private integration on your side based on an existing one (by forking the repo), that could be your own version of the Messenger integration or a brand new Facebook integration.

Additionally, I recommend bringing up these suggestions on our Discord channel. If your ideas generate enough interest, they might get upvoted and potentially become a part of our development priorities in the future.

Let me know if you have any questions,