
[Type] how can i get type to use ?

ninxxxxx opened this issue · 3 comments

I have looked into the code in the repo, there were written by typescript (that's cool for me) but after install, I can't find type to use. what am I missing? there are anyway to use it? please let me know

Hi @ninxxxxx, that's because those types was added in 1.0.0-beta releases. You can install them by using the @next tag:

npm install messaging-api-xxx@next

You might found that the main goal of this repo recently is to support delivering features in Bottender. So, if you want to find the v1 document of those client, you may refer to Bottender API docs, for example, MessengerClient.

Anyway, we will release 1.0 version of messaging-apis very soon (maybe next month).

wow that's great. hope it's done soon, can't wait :D

Sorry for being so late. Now you can import these types in v1 official release:

import { MessengerTypes } from 'messaging-api-messenger';
import { LineTypes } from 'messaging-api-line';
import { SlackTypes } from 'messaging-api-slack';
import { TelegramTypes } from 'messaging-api-telegram';
import { ViberTypes } from 'messaging-api-viber';
import { WechatTypes } from 'messaging-api-wechat';