
Move any licenses from `/usr/share/doc` to `/usr/share/licenses`

cbgbt opened this issue · 1 comments

cbgbt commented

Issue or Feature Request:
Some licenses are added to the wrong directory of the resulting SDK image (/usr/share/doc instead of /usr/share/licenses). This seems to be caused by certain packages not being updated to use fedora's %license macro e.g. maven-clean-plugin still uses %doc.

We should correct this, possibly upstream if we can.

This appears to be addressed now. There are just empty directories under /usr/share/doc:

[builder@d40a4594d235 ~]$ ls /usr/share/doc/
cmake  policycoreutils  python3-cryptography
[builder@d40a4594d235 ~]$ ls /usr/share/doc/cmake/
[builder@d40a4594d235 ~]$ ls /usr/share/doc/policycoreutils/
[builder@d40a4594d235 ~]$ ls /usr/share/doc/python3-cryptography/
[builder@d40a4594d235 ~]$ ls /usr/share/doc/python3-cryptography/docs/
[builder@d40a4594d235 ~]$ ls /usr/share/doc/python3-cryptography/docs/_static/
[builder@d40a4594d235 ~]$