
Is there any documentation for making bottlerocket work without the internet access to the instances security group ?

soura49 opened this issue · 1 comments

Discussed in #3953

Originally posted by soura49 May 13, 2024

  • We are using Bottlerocket AMI for EKS-managed Node groups
  • Right Now, We have Egress for Internet open from Node Security Group
  • But when we Remove that it fails to join the cluster and load the kernel modules etc.
  • Is there a list of Internet Calls that Bottlerocket AMI does for starting up?

The discussion in #3953 summarized:

  • @jpculp responded with the list of endpoints that Bottlerocket requires: ECR, EKS, IMDS, and SSM.
  • These were not sufficient to unblock @soura49, but adding an endpoint for STS was sufficient. STS is required for IAM roles for service accounts.

Thanks to @soura49 for the report: the answer is no, it's not documented, or at least not documented clearly enough, and we should fix that. Also thanks to @soura49 for so clearly identifying the STS issue, finding documentation, and reporting back once the problem was solved.