
[Report] [Flatpak] My system can't install dotnet

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Which dependency?
e.g. dotnet35(sp1)

Problem type

Describe the problem
Try to install dotnet35 (sp1)

Log say it was installed successfully

Morning log said, but application that went install sod it need dotnet35 (affinity designer)

I'll investigate. Btw affinity designer will not works under wine

@mirkobrombin Affinity does work! But for some people. I myself tried yesterday to create a topic on the bottles forum about this, but without success!

Currently when I try to run it hangs exactly on the dotnet35 screen.

Here some examples:

Some users managed to run, with some problems but they managed!

I also want to run, because I don't use the same tools as the guys there, so if it works the way I hope I'll migrate from windows to linux!

FqD5ti5 - Imgur
Lk1UwPN - Imgur
pyngOcN - Imgur

It says it installed, but it didn't!

Another problem I noticed, the bottles in the previous version ran everything fast and now it's a sluggish even to install the fonts!

I tested Affinity per years now. Literally. I'm aware of a dotnet35 problem and we are still investigating. I'll update you when fixed.

If you can make Affinity works, please PLEASE make an installer for it. Really.

I really don't understand how some managed to install it and others didn't.
And without a doubt, when I manage to run it, I'll leave the tutorial!

FqD5ti5 - Imgur Lk1UwPN - Imgur pyngOcN - Imgur

It says it installed, but it didn't!

Another problem I noticed, the bottles in the previous version ran everything fast and now it's a sluggish even to install the fonts!

that's, this last vesion is slower that others, look i am running winbox a 2.2mb app, and take 7 seconds to open.

and i have a evo 970 plus, the only slow app i use is bottles and windows relative one by bottles.

So I was able to get affinity to run on Linux.

My problem is quite different, it is internet related.

Unfortunately there is a problem with my internet provider, which prevents the bottle from connecting to the servers.

I discovered the problem just by running "ping -c 5"

In this I got around the problem using a VPN, I used proton here, but you can use whatever you think is best.

After that I was able to download the dependencies.

I created a manual bottle, installed the "All fonts" "Dotnet40" and "Dotnet48". I didn't install dotnet35

The settings I enabled were "DXVK" "VKD3D" "Dedicated GPU" - "Vulkan" Renderer, on systems I installed and used the "caffe-7.10" executor.

Even so, when I went to install another error appeared, I closed and opened the bottles notably and managed to install.

After installing it in the programs area, the affinity designer appeared, but before that I entered the parameter --no-hw-ui and then I ran it!

I practically followed the user 1stn00b affinity forum tutorial.

Not everything is perfect, it has graphical bugs, like blinking and I have to see later how I can save the edits, because at the moment I can only open them and install more fonts.

Finally one more step to get out of windows for good!
Captura de tela de 2022-07-29 01-59-01