
[Report] .net framework 3.5 error

abderrahmanebenhalima opened this issue · 6 comments

i'm facing this problem while installing
.net framework 3.5 SP1
.net framework 3.5
i tried to switch from win 10 to 7 even to win XP and i faced the same problem
[screenshort below]

Same problem, doesn't matter what bottle I attempt to install it on. I had this problem previously and somehow fixed it, but now I've been stonewalled again and can't figure it out.

Same issue here. No matter what I do .net 3.5 simply refuses to install. I get the same error as OP.

Same problem using flatpak on Fedora 39. Both dotnet35 and dotnet35sp1 fail to install. Other versions work fine

Same problem using flatpak on Fedora 39. Both dotnet35 and dotnet35sp1 fail to install. Other versions work fine

Me too, I'm using Fedora Workstation

same problem here. Fedora Workstation 39, latest bottles version, dotnet35 and dotnet35sp1 fail to install every single time

It's a bottles issue btw. I'm on nixOS, and it fails too. System wine is fine, if used outside of bottles