
Fusion360 executable download URL changed

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The URL defined in fusion360.yml is no correct anymore and the installer does not work:

15:24:01 (INFO) Bottles found:
- Fusion360

15:24:01 (INFO) Catalog installers loaded
15:24:01 (INFO) Catalog dependencies loaded
15:24:01 (INFO) Catalog components loaded
15:24:02 (INFO) Setting Key sync=esync for bottle Fusion360…
15:24:02 (INFO) There is no running wineserver.
15:38:41 (INFO) Installing dependencies
15:38:41 (INFO) Updating bottle parameters
15:38:41 (INFO) Setting Key dxvk=True for bottle Fusion360…
15:38:41 (INFO) Setting Key discrete_gpu=True for bottle Fusion360…
15:38:41 (INFO) Executing installer steps
15:38:43 (WARNING) Failed to download [] with code: 403 != 200
15:38:43 (ERROR) Failed to download Fusion 360 Admin Install.exe, or checksum failed.

It seems that the correct one is now: