
Doesn't work

Closed this issue · 2 comments

iex(1)> [info] GET /pl
[info] Sent 500 in 36ms
[error] #PID<0.500.0> running Front.Endpoint terminated
Server: localhost:4010 (http)
Request: GET /pl
** (exit) an exception was raised:
    ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Front.HomeController.init/1
        (front) web/controllers/home_controller.ex:2: Front.HomeController.init([action: :index, locale: "pl"])
        (front) web/router.ex:1: anonymous fn/1 in Front.Router.match_route/4
        (front) lib/phoenix/router.ex:261: Front.Router.dispatch/2
        (front) web/router.ex:1: Front.Router.do_call/2
        (front) lib/front/endpoint.ex:1: Front.Endpoint.phoenix_pipeline/1
        (front) lib/plug/debugger.ex:123: Front.Endpoint."call (overridable 3)"/2
        (front) lib/front/endpoint.ex:1:
        (plug) lib/plug/adapters/cowboy/handler.ex:15: Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Handler.upgrade/4
        (cowboy) src/cowboy_protocol.erl:442: :cowboy_protocol.execute/4

  defp deps do
    [{:phoenix, "~> 1.2.1"},
     {:phoenix_pubsub, "~> 1.0"},
     {:postgrex, ">= 0.0.0"},
     {:phoenix_html, "~> 2.6"},
     {:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 1.0", only: :dev},
     {:gettext, "~> 0.11"},
     {:cowboy, "~> 1.0"},
     {:polygot, "~> 0.1.0"}]
config :polygot,
  locales: %{
    "en" => %{ path_prefix: "en" },
    "pl" => %{ path_prefix: "pl" }
  gettext_module: Front.Gettext,
  gettext_domain: "default"
  def router do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.Router

      import Polygot
localize get "/", HomeController, :index
$ mix phoenix.routes
 home_path  GET  /en Front.HomeController [action: :index, locale: "en"]
 home_path  GET  /pl Front.HomeController [action: :index, locale: "pl"]
  pipeline :browser do
    plug :accepts, ["html"]
    plug :fetch_session
    plug :fetch_flash
    plug :protect_from_forgery
    plug :put_secure_browser_headers
    plug Polygot.Plug

Also Route helpers doesn't work, because it cannot find Polygot.Helpers. Maybe on there is older version of your library?

Hey @Harry27PL,

thanks for the reporting issue, there was a step missing in the readme, here it is:

And I put up this fix for the helpers issue c01b52b

please upgrade to the latest and let me know! thanks!

Now it works! Thanks