- 1
:No module named chumpy.reordering
#6 opened by HUTHG - 1
Release of training code
#11 opened by AlexHu123 - 0
I'd like to ask how many epochs have you trained and how long does it take? Can you provide training code?
#14 opened by LYKlyk - 0
Entangled 3D joints in webcam quick test
#13 opened by valillon - 0
- 3
Error on create synthetic data
#5 opened by LuffyDai - 0
page 6 of paper
#10 opened by nitba - 0
Color for the mesh
#9 opened by yang2640 - 0
- 0
Code inquiry of hand mask loss
#7 opened by prismformore - 0
The problem of testing my own image
#4 opened by Vincent-2017 - 0
Evaluating Result
#3 opened by nitba - 1
Any update???
#1 opened by nitba - 0
Look forward to your update!
#2 opened by ddshan