
Python application to detect and correct yoga poses in real time

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Yoga Pose Detection and Correction College Project

Adding new poses

Preferably the images should be JPG/JPEG and the image names should be [number].jpg.

  1. Create a new directory in ./poses_dataset/Images (the name can be anything but I recommend to use the name of the pose) and populate it the with the pose images.
  2. Create another directory in ./poses_dataset/angles (folder name should be the same as what was used in step 1) and put one image of the pose. The image in this directory will be used as a 'known good' pose angles (the pose should be perfect), as in, during live detection the user's pose will be compared against this pose to make recommendations.
  3. Run create_poses_csv.ipynb in the virtual env. This will create a file named https://github.com/bourbonbourbon/yoga-pose-detection-correction/blob/main/create_poses_csv.ipynb?short_path=1#L120 (you can name it whatever) which has all the x, y, z, and visibility values of all the desired landmark points of all poses in the ./poses_dataset/Images directory. The pose column value in the generated csv file will be an integer.
  4. Then run create_angles_csv.ipynb. This will create another csv named https://github.com/bourbonbourbon/yoga-pose-detection-correction/blob/main/create_angles_csv.ipynb?short_path=1#L104 It will have the 'known good' pose angles.
  5. Then run rfc_model.ipynb which uses the csv generated in the step 3 as the input file to train/test the data on. It will then create a .model file named https://github.com/bourbonbourbon/yoga-pose-detection-correction/blob/main/rfc_model.ipynb?short_path=1#L44
  6. Change these variables in live_detection.py https://github.com/bourbonbourbon/yoga-pose-detection-correction/blob/main/live_detection.py#L106 https://github.com/bourbonbourbon/yoga-pose-detection-correction/blob/main/live_detection.py#L108 to whatever you have created in steps 4 and 5.
  7. Finally change this dictionary to match whatever pose names you want. https://github.com/bourbonbourbon/yoga-pose-detection-correction/blob/main/live_detection.py#L26

Notes: Refer https://github.com/bourbonbourbon/yoga-pose-detection-correction/tree/1c9a4e50c00be9a8b677632901e6b8b0c459b6f4 for project structure.


  1. Create a python virtual environment.
  2. Activate the venv.
  3. Install all the libraries from requirements.txt using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Plug in a camera.
  5. Run the command python live_detection.py.
  6. Stand in a well lit room.
  7. Stand in a way such that you are completely in frame.