
Prepare demo

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Before demo

  • Get the server (laptop) ready with the app running and working from your devices.
  • Decide how to split the topics for the demo.
  • Have a script/agenda that you can follow during the demo so you don't forget anything and know when is your turn.


  • Introduction to personas and user story/stories for this sprint.
  • Explain the scope of the sprint (from a task point of view).
  • Explain technical decisions made (architecture, frameworks, libraries, etc.).
  • Show what you did.

During the demo

  • Document feedback from Erlend (could be a page in the project's wiki).

After the demo

  • Discuss next steps.
  • Plan the next sprint.

Whiteboard, Skjalg
User story to product, Sindre
Map/webapp, Margrethe
tech stack, Glenn
Demo - user can go to the IP address we display on his phone. (or borrow one of our phones.)

Demo plan:


  • find available locations for volleyball
  • view location of any park

follow up questions:

  • what do you think about the chosen maps and its colors.
  • what do you feel about the amount of information you are given in the map?
  • what do you think about the filter menu
  • what if anything do you feel is missing for navigation
  • what information would you immediately want for evaluating location