
Game crashes after few minutes during calls.

Closed this issue · 9 comments

This is a weird one. Essentially, if I'm in a discord call while also playing Skyblock with the mod installed, my game crashes after a few minutes of playtime. No errors are given, it is simply a desktop crash. I've attached the latest crash log.

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1
	at java.lang.String.substring(
	at me.Danker.utils.Utils.capitalizeString(
	at me.Danker.features.GemstonesLore.onTooltip(

@MrRetr0 Does this error occur every time you have a specific item in your inventory? Like a drill or weapon with gemstones applied to it? If so, what item exactly?

The problem has been fixed in development branche you just need to download source code from and compile it with gradlew and fix your crash !

Is there a reason why the action tab is not visible? Helping the mod needs more effort :/

What do you mean by "action tab" ? @hannibal002

What do you mean by "action tab" ? @hannibal002


Okay i see yes you can also get mod updated here , for me i see actions tab

Normally, yes. But since DSM has the tab disabled (for non members or globally?) I need to compile the mod myself instead of just download the precompiled jar from the action tab like for other mods.

Normally, yes. But since DSM has the tab disabled (for non members or globally?) I need to compile the mod myself instead of just download the precompiled jar from the action tab like for other mods.

The actions tab should be visible for everyone, have you tried seeing if it's visible on incognito or a new browser.

Fixed in 1.9