
[BOX 4.5] Sodium and Zlib extensions are unused but referenced by requirement checker

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Bug report

Question Answer
Box version 4.5.0@54142dd 2023-10-22 20:16:36 UTC
PHP version 8.1.24
Platform with version Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Github Repo

Even if composer.json identify sodium extension as required, there are no uses anywhere in the BOX project.

Whatever native functions or possible polyfill (not referenced here)

$ box info box.phar

API Version: 1.1.0

Archive Compression: None
Files Compression: GZ

Signature: SHA-1
Signature Hash: 5F8F2CFF228C3B9A27FF373FAA87497A1B2EEA64

Metadata: None

Timestamp: 1698005811 (2023-10-22T20:16:51+00:00)

 - PHP ^8.1 (root)
 - ext-zlib (root)
 - ext-phar (root)
 - ext-sodium (root)
 - ext-tokenizer (nikic/php-parser)
 - ext-filter (phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock)

Contents: 1999 files (2.20MB)

// Use the --list|-l option to list the content of the PHAR.

Confirmed by native composer why commands :

Checking all extensions ...

composer why ext-filter
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 5.3.0 requires ext-filter (*)
composer why ext-tokenizer
nikic/php-parser  v4.15.2 requires ext-tokenizer (*)
theseer/tokenizer 1.2.0   requires ext-tokenizer (*)
composer why ext-sodium
humbug/box 4.x-dev requires ext-sodium (*)

Referenced only by BOX project composer.json itself !

composer why ext-phar
humbug/box       4.x-dev requires ext-phar (*)
phar-io/manifest 2.0.3   requires ext-phar (*)
composer why ext-zlib
There is no installed package depending on "ext-zlib"

Also checking with tool

v0.8.10 Output

Found 27 used, 2 unused, 1 ignored and 0 zombie packages

 Used packages
 ✓ php
 ✓ ext-iconv (suggested by: symfony/var-dumper)
 ✓ ext-mbstring
 ✓ ext-phar
 ✓ amphp/parallel-functions (
 ✓ composer/semver (
 ✓ composer/xdebug-handler (
 ✓ fidry/console (
 ✓ fidry/filesystem (
 ✓ humbug/php-scoper (
 ✓ justinrainbow/json-schema (
 ✓ laravel/serializable-closure (
 ✓ nikic/iter (
 ✓ nikic/php-parser ( (required by: humbug/php-scoper)
 ✓ paragonie/constant_time_encoding (
 ✓ phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (
 ✓ phpdocumentor/type-resolver (
 ✓ psr/log (
 ✓ sebastian/diff (
 ✓ seld/jsonlint (
 ✓ symfony/console (
 ✓ symfony/filesystem (
 ✓ symfony/finder (
 ✓ symfony/polyfill-mbstring (
 ✓ symfony/process (
 ✓ symfony/var-dumper (
 ✓ webmozart/assert (

 Unused packages
 ✗ ext-sodium
 ✗ symfony/polyfill-iconv (

 Ignored packages
 ○ composer-plugin-api (ignored by NamedFilter(userProvided: false, string: composer-plugin-api))

 Zombies exclusions (did not match any package)

And checking with

v7.0.0 Output chunk
Extensions Analysis

   Extension  REF       EXT min/Max PHP min/Max PHP suggest
   core       core      8.1.0       8.1.0alpha1 8.0.0alpha1
   date       date      5.5.0       5.5.0
   hash       hash      1.1         4.0.0
   intl       intl      1.0.0beta   5.2.0
   json       json      1.6.0       7.3.0alpha1
   mbstring   mbstring  4.3.0       7.1.0       4.3.0
C  openssl    openssl   5.2.0       5.2.0
   pcre       pcre      4.0.0       4.0.0
   phar       phar      2.0.0a1     8.0.0alpha1
C  posix      posix     7.0.0       7.0.0beta2
   spl        spl       5.1.2       7.4.0
   standard   standard  8.0.0alpha1 7.3.0alpha4 8.0.0alpha1
   tokenizer  tokenizer 8.0.0RC4    8.0.0RC4
   Total [13]                       8.1.0alpha1

Hmm I think sodium is a leftover from Pharaoh which was supporting the blake2b hashing algorithm. I still need to check if I can add it back but either way it would be an optional extension (and I think Pharaoh had the polyfill shipped).

zlib is not used directly, but necessary by the project for the GZ compression. But then that can probably be moved to require-dev

I confirmed that used the sodium polyfill