datetimepicker not working
Closed this issue · 7 comments
followed install steps but getting some errors and graphs are not working.
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> (statuswolf_user| ["undefined","api","get_saved_searches"]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> (statuswolf_user| {"scheme":"http","host":"localhost","port":9653,"path":"/undefined/api/get_saved_searches","url_path":["undefined","api","get_saved_searches"]}
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> Controller UndefinedController was not found, punting to Home
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> [{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."}]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> [{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."}]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> [{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::start() called."}]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> [{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::start() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::assignData() called."}]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> [{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::start() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::assignData() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."}]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> [{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::start() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::assignData() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."}]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> [{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::start() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::assignData() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."}]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> [{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::start() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::assignData() called."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."},{"priority":7,"message":"AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called."},{"priority":6,"message":"AUTH: Session OK."}]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> (statuswolf_user| ["undefined","app","js","lib","bootstrap-datetimepicker.js"]
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> (statuswolf_user| {"scheme":"http","host":"localhost","port":9653,"path":"/undefined/app/js/lib/bootstrap-datetimepicker.js","url_path":["undefined","app","js","lib","bootstrap-datetimepicker.js"]}
2013-12-24 11:25:16 - DEBUG --> Controller UndefinedController was not found, punting to Home
-- http conf--
Listen 9653
<VirtualHost *:9653>
DocumentRoot /data/statuswolf/
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Does any one even look at these issue reported??
I apologize - I was looking into this, but with the holidays I've just been behind and I forgot to respond to let you know. I've been trying to replicate what I'm seeing in your log, what's happening is that you're getting an extra entry (coming in as "undefined") on your URL path and causing the router to punt, but I haven't been able to make that happen here. Can you send me your statuswolf.conf as well?
I'm having a similar problem with the 0.8.8 version. When I go to Dashboard / Add Widget / Graphing Widget, the form is displayed however the date fields timepicker does not work. I see in the Apache access log that two requests were made, a POST followed by a GET and both contain URL paths that begin with "/undefined/". I had tried posting a question about it to the Google group, but both times my question was automatically deleted for some reason.
I finally just went ahead and posted details at ServerFault:
Any tips/suggestions for a fix or workaround would be great, as we're looking forward to trying the GUI. Thanks!
I forgot to include the Apache log entries, here they are:
"POST /undefined/api/get_saved_searches HTTP/1.1" 200 1755 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1"
"GET /undefined/app/js/lib/bootstrap-datetimepicker.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1755 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1"
OK, I believe I have it - StatusWolf is using 'window.location.origin' in the widget javascript to build the URL for loading files and making API calls. You're using an older version of Firefox (14.0.1, current is 26), I've just confirmed that the version you're using doesn't support window.location.origin, hence the variable storing the URL internally in StatusWolf has that as "undefined". Any way you could try with Chrome, or update to a newer Firefox?
I modified index.php to log the URI just before the SWRouter object is instantiated:
error_log("Instantiating SWRouter with URI " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n", 3, "/var/log/statuswolf/log_2014-01-08.txt");
$router = new SWRouter($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
This showed that the URI does indeed contain the "/undefined/" prefix, presumably as generated by the rewrite rules:
Instantiating SWRouter with URI /undefined/api/get_saved_searches
Instantiating SWRouter with URI /undefined/app/js/lib/bootstrap-datetimepicker.js
So there must be something going on with the web server configuration and the rewrite rules. I'll continue to investigate.
Oh, I just saw your post. Thanks, I will try a newer version of Firefox or Chrome!