
Can't close point annotation popover

xrocketmanx opened this issue · 0 comments


  • Preview version: 2.9.0


  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 74.0.3729.157

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Open this codepen (everything is set up to reproduce)
  2. Click on point annotation.
  3. Try to close it by clicking outside or on annotation icon
    It happens only with such viewers configuration (only 'point' and 'draw' annotation types enabled). If I add 'highlight' or 'highlight-comment' type issue disappears.
    What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
    Annotation details popover closes
    What went wrong? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
    Annotation details popover can't be closed using click

Link to application or sample code: