
Duplicated previewer when preview watermarked file

dolgachio opened this issue · 2 comments

Please fill out the following template so we can reproduce and fix your issue as quickly as possible!


  • Preview version: 2.16.0 (latest Box Content Preview version)

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [MacOS]
  • Browser [Chrome 75.0.3770.142]

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Preview file by providing file object to the show method
  2. Try to zoom in and zoom out file
  3. Try to use aside thumbnails

What is the expected behavior? (Screenshots can be helpful here)
Document is properly zoomed and thumbnails sidebar navigation works

What went wrong? (Screenshots, console logs, or HAR files can be helpful here)
Document is duplicated, zoom does not work, thumbnails sidebar navigation does not work

Link to application or sample code:
CodePen example
You have to generate your own access token to reproduce it in this CodePen, my access token is valid for 1 hour
Video recording of the issue

Expected behavior
Document is properly zoomed and thumbnails sidebar navigation works.

Additional context
I debugged the source code and from my perspective, problem can be fixed here by calling this.destroy() after uncaching watermarked file in Preview.js file - link to the specific line of code
This bug happens only for watermarked files and only when we provide file instead of file id to the show() method.

@stas-dolgachov Thanks for reporting the issue! I was able to reproduce the issue, we'll add it to the backlog

@ConradJChan thanks for a quick response!
Could you provide some approximate estimations on when you plan to fix it?