Some PDFs are not rendered correctly
stariqmi opened this issue · 3 comments
- Preview version: 1.35
- Browser name and version: Chrome 64
- Operating system and version:OS X 10
- Upload a PDF to Box (not all document will result in this problem)
- View the PDF in Box Content Preview
- Refresh the PDF in Box Content Preview, observe colors are off
On the left, the document shows as expected, on the right is after refreshing document.
I have narrowed this issue down to the DocLoader.js. Specifically the following code:
* Chooses a representation. Assumes that there will be only
* one specific representation. In other words we will not have
* two png representation entries with different properties.
* @param {Object} file - Box file
* @param {Object} viewer - Chosen Preview viewer
* @return {Object} The representation to load
determineRepresentation(file, viewer) {
let repOverride;
// For PDF files, use original rep unless PDF rep is successful since it'll be faster
const rep = super.determineRepresentation(file, viewer);
const status = RepStatus.getStatus(rep);
if (file.extension === 'pdf' && rep.representation === 'pdf' && status !== STATUS_SUCCESS) {
repOverride = getRepresentation(file, ORIGINAL_REP_NAME);
return repOverride || rep;
Load document the first time - code defaults to the ORIGINAL represenation since the PDF representation is PENDING. It seems like the PDF representation is always pending till we open the document the first time
// This always works
"content": {
"url_template": ""
"representation": "ORIGINAL",
"status": {
"state": "success"
Reload document and the PDF represenation is available i.e SUCCESS - code loads that and this is the representation that is wonky
// This doesn't always work
"representation": "pdf",
"properties": {},
"info": {
"url": ""
"status": {
"state": "success"
"content": {
"url_template": "{+asset_path}"
Hey @stariqmi thanks for the report! Did this just recently start happening? Would you be able to provide a shared link to the pdf?
We observed this recently but could have been happening before and with other documents. Unfortunately I cannot share the document publicly. This seems more of an issue with the processing of the document and using the original representation over the PDF representation fixes it.
Hey @stariqmi this should be resolved now, so closing the issue