
Getting an exception when trying to use lazy variables

HussamHallak opened this issue · 4 comments

I tried running the lazy variables usage example in the readme file. I got this exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: Non-numeric character in input 'x + 1'
at redempt.crunch.ExpressionCompiler.compileToken(
at redempt.crunch.ExpressionCompiler.compileValue(
at redempt.crunch.ExpressionCompiler.compile(
at redempt.crunch.Crunch.compileExpression(
at CrunchDemo.main(

Able to reproduce by not supplying the EvaluationEnvironment holding the lazy variable when compiling the expression. This is an issue on your end; I've added a test case for the exact input, supplying the EvaluationEnvironment, and it passes.

I should have included my code. Is there any code that I need to add that I might be missing?

import redempt.crunch.CompiledExpression;
import redempt.crunch.Crunch;
import redempt.crunch.functional.EvaluationEnvironment;

public class CrunchDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EvaluationEnvironment env = new EvaluationEnvironment();
        env.addLazyVariable("x", () -> 4);
        CompiledExpression exp = Crunch.compileExpression("x + 1");
        exp.evaluate(); //This will return 5

Yes, you need to pass the EvaluationEnvironment to compileExpression. Looks like the readme is wrong, thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Thank you.