Enhancement: Fanart
dvigano opened this issue · 0 comments
Suggestion 1: Provide a way to locate all of the fanart in a separate location and simply match the fanart (JPG) files to the movie/tv show with the same name?
Suggestion 2: Provide a way to reference/display the downloaded fanart that exists in the same directory as the movie/tv show files if the MKV and fanart (JPG) files have matching names?
Suggestion 3: Provide a method to use an XML file (located on my network) that would outline the location and file name of each matching MKV and JPG file.
For example, I have over 700 MKV files (movies/tv shows) on my server in 4 different directories which are referenced from the BoxeeBox and accessed via SMB. If I download the fanart images (JPG) myself and either stored it in the same folder as the MKV files or to a different location (e.g. "Fanart" folder). Then I could configure the BoxeeBox to the location where the fanart images (JPG) are located and the BoxeeBox would not have to download images from the internet.