
Active fork of Boxeehack.

Opened this issue · 6 comments

For those that don't know and still want to update their Boxee, there is still an active fork of the Boxeehack.

Thank You Quasar1 and all the rest of the contributors for your hard work!

Hey there, your URL is linking to it looks like a typo.


@DVDPlayer Is there an install guide on how to get that working?

@pezhore Sorry it took so long for my reply as I don't really monitor this fourm since I've stopped using my Boxee quite a while ago. It looks like I messed up my original link and YasharF got it right Sadly it looks like it stopped being active right around the time of my post. The reddit fourm looks useful. There was install instructions (in the readme), but if I remember correctly the installer linked directly to the download site (URL now dead), but there was a way to install if you had the full Zip file (sadly I don't remember how). Good Luck :)

@pezhore Ok, to install the older original version download If you put the full contents of the Zip file on a flash drive (inclugind the 'hack' folder) it will install from the USB stick, if you exclude the 'hack' folder it will download from github (since this version was last updated in 2013 there is no point in making it download from github). Make sure you name your USB stick as "BOXEE" or it won't work. Your Boxee should be on firmware 1.5.1 or later.

On your BoxeeBox go to Settings -> Network -> Servers. Check "Enable Windows file sharing" and in the "Host Name" field enter "boxeebox; sh /media/BOXEE/", then exit the menu and the Boxee logo will turn red to show that it is installing.

This hack does a lot of stuff including giving you Root access telnet support (password is "secret").
Eg. telnet [your-boxee-ip] 2323

Hope this is helpful, Chris.


Got it working.

  • Need to keep the folder structure but place the install directory contents in the roor of the flash drive. I don't think this is in a README explicitly stated anywhere. This assumes any automatic download link does not work currently in 2018.
  • Using the other cigamit repo for slgihtly more updates.
  • Can remove download or any other directory on internal storage to help refresh the state of the system to re-attempt later installation.
    I would prefer SSH connection, but have not gotten that to work yet, only telnet currently which gives me Linux-like features anyway. I think besides root and 2 other dummy accounts there is a boxee one I and probably log into and/or set-up my public key with.

Original Text

Downloaded current GitHub repo zip at Feb 10, 2013 (bdfa631).

Windows file sharing enabled.

boxeebox; sh /media/BOXEE/install/

Logo turned red, black screen, then automatic reoobt.
Now an indistinguishable home menu interface.

Telnet won't work.

~ telnet <localIp> 2323
Trying <localIp>...
telnet: connect to address <localIp>: Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
~ nmap -Pn <localIp>

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2018-12-26 15:27 EST
Nmap scan report for boxeebox (<localIp>)
Host is up (0.0035s latency).
Not shown: 992 closed ports
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds
5000/tcp  open  upnp
8080/tcp  open  http-proxy
8800/tcp  open  sunwebadmin
9090/tcp  open  zeus-admin
9091/tcp  open  xmltec-xmlmail
49152/tcp open  unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.17 seconds

Boxee Box firmware version
Build Date Mar 2 2012
Local IP present
Host Name boxeebox;sh /data/hack/

Reviewed "Boxee Box hack".
Instead of "... Movies My Music Apps Files" I have the original "... Movies Apps Files Web".
Unlike the 1 YouTube comment, I am like the rest where it doesn't show any difference.

Tried rebooting again.

No new versions of Boxee to update found online.

Like #564 (comment) "Can not get the hack to install".

May try #623 "Head over to new BoxeePlus @ .... " at

Tried MMMcMahon's fix just in case from #495 (comment) "Installation doesn't work.". Exiting the settings menu entirely to apply.

The re-installation using cigamit's. Also copied the same except put install files in root this time.. boxeebox; sh /media/BOXEE/

Ok, I think that worked better. Half the UI was missing, but I reloaded from Setting, Boxee+Hacks > Tools > Reload skin..

~ nmap -Pn <localIp>

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2018-12-26 16:32 EST
Nmap scan report for boxeebox (<localIp>)
Host is up (0.0042s latency).
Not shown: 988 closed ports
21/tcp    open  ftp
22/tcp    open  ssh
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds
2100/tcp  open  amiganetfs
2323/tcp  open  3d-nfsd
5000/tcp  open  upnp
8080/tcp  open  http-proxy
8800/tcp  open  sunwebadmin
9090/tcp  open  zeus-admin
9091/tcp  open  xmltec-xmlmail
49152/tcp open  unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.18 seconds

~ ssh <localIp>
The authenticity of host '<localIp> (<localIp>)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:....
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '<localIp>' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Pysis@<localIp>'s password:

~ telnet <localIp> 2323
Trying <localIp>...
Connected to boxeebox.
Escape character is '^]'.
 Welcome to Boxee+Hacks