
Twilio notification channel for Laravel

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Twilio Notification channel

This package adds a notification channel for Twilio services. You can use it to send SMS messages. Other channels might be available in the future.


Install through Composer.


Add the following to your services config file.

'twilio' => [
	'token' => env('TWILIO_TOKEN',''),
	'sid' => env('TWILIO_SID',''),
	'send' => env('TWILIO_SEND',false),
	'from' => env('TWILIO_FROM',''),
	'log' => env('TWILIO_LOG',true),
	'log_channel' => env('TWILIO_LOG_CHANNEL','stack'),
	'prefix' => '',
	'allow_multiple' => false,
  • log if the messages should be written to a log file
  • log_channel the log channel to log messages to
  • send if the messages should be sent (production/dev environment)
  • bulglish if cyrillic text should be converted to latin letters for SMS messages (cyrillic messages are limited to 67 characters)
  • allow_multiple if SMS messages above 160 characters should be allowed (billed as multiple messages)

Send test

To send a test message use the following artisan command:

php artisan twilio:test phone --message='content' --channel=sms

Direct usage

You can instantiate a Boyo\Twilio\TwilioMessage object and send it immediately.

use Boyo\Twilio\TwilioMessage;
use Boyo\Twilio\TwilioSender;

class MyClass
	public function myFunction()
		$message = (new TwilioMessage())->to('359888888888')->sms('SMS text');
		$client = new TwilioSender();

Usage with notifications

  1. Create a message file that extends Boyo\Twilio\TwilioMessage. It can take whatever data you need in the construct and should implement a build() method that defines the messages text content - a good practice would be to render a view file, so that your message content is in your views. You should only define the methods for the delivery channels that your are going to use.
use Boyo\Twilio\TwilioMessage;

class MyMessage extends TwilioMessage 
	public function __construct($data)
        $this->id = $data->id; // your unique message id, add other parameters if needed
	public function build() {
		// set your sms text 
		$this->sms('SMS text');
		return $this;
  1. In your Notification class you can now include the Twilio channel in the $via array returned by the via() method.
use Boyo\Twilio\TwilioChannel;

	// ...
	$via[] = TwilioChannel::class;
	return $via 

Within the same Notification class you should also define a method toSms():

public function toSms($notifiable)
	return (new MyMessage($unique_id))->to($notifiable->phone);

The channel method is where you define the delivery channel you wish to use.

  • sms delivery by sms only (this is the default value, if you omit the channel method)
  • other Twilio channels might be available in the future