
config files for my rice-in-progress

Primary LanguageShell

Goal is to create a user experience with i3-gaps which is simple and clean, contemporary, and dark.

alt text Wallpapers based on space themes.

  • Screen locked based on timeout and lid close
  • polybar with workspace icons
  • colour scheme based on wallpaper
  • transparent bar and unfocused windows


  • pip3 install pywal
  • polybar
  • apt install slock w3-img compton xautolock rofi tilda xfce4-clipman


config files for my rice-in-progress setup using instructions from https://developer.atlassian.com/blog/2016/02/best-way-to-store-dotfiles-git-bare-repo/

sample of adding a new file:
config status
config add .vimrc
config commit -m "Add vimrc"
config add .bashrc
config commit -m "Add bashrc"
config push